Celebrity Relatives
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This page contains photos and very short text notes which feature relatives of your favorite celebrities.

Jason "Spider" Graham, actress Heather's uncle.
Harley ridin' "Spider" Graham is one proud biker. He's seen all of his famous niece's films and is even thinking of starting a biker chapter of the Heather Graham fan club.
"She's a real good kid. My buddies, they don't treat me any different just cuz she's related to me. They still tell me I stink."
Brandon Crawford, Cindy's little brother.
Novice thespian Brandon, who is active in theatre in both the community, as well as at college, makes no bones about how much he respects sis.
"Cindy's the best. She's very supportive. She even came to one of my plays a few years ago. She dressed up so people wouldn't recognize her, but hey, she was there."
Little Russell Crowe
While not actually a relative of a celebrity, this rarely seen picture of a 3 year old Russell Crowe is worth showing here. Wearing an adorable dress--they do things different in Australia--this picture sizzles!

Page may contain altered images. Um......duh.....