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Jim 'Mr Verona' Mentink
Formerly of the highly acclaimed, seldom sought after 'Verona's Basement' humor column, Jim currently presides over The Monkey Bar as a sort of chief of staff. He's a frequent contributor to the site and makes sure the staff is submitting quality work. That makes him the editor. If you have questions or comments for any of the staff, you're encouraged to email them privately at the link on their pages. However, Jim can always be reached by emailing him at the home page or at the link below.

Sid Higgins
Sid started out as a potato processor in Maine and after the death of his mother (his father left when he was 3), he became a popular motivational speaker. For the last two years, Sid has captured the same passion he used in his motivational seminars and now creates some of the hardest hitting investigative journalism out there. Sid never disappoints and is a sort of star here at The Monkey Bar.

Kelli Pepperidge and Blurry Angel Boy
Newcomers to The Monkey Bar, as well as to journalism, Kelli and Blurry tell it like it is. Kelli, currently pursuing a Masters degree in Philosophy, runs an advice column on the deep issues of life and it's relationships with a biting wit that only a cynical college girl can achieve.
Blurry is a 5" high ceramic angel who, due to his unique makeup, is allowed into high security situations where he spies for The Monkey Bar, than writes a story.

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This is a satire site. Failure to see that isn't our fault.